Valentine’s Day

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In a retail environment, we see lots of glazed looks when Valentine’s Day rolls around.  People put tremendous pressure on themselves to come up with something extremely over the top or unique beyond imagination to impress their recipient.  Let’s face it, there are only so many of those things in
the universe and only a small percentage of people that can afford them.  Love does funny things to people, and the impact of extreme media marketing does so even more.  Don’t be influenced into spending more than you can afford.

We submit that a Valentine’s Day gift is not about how much it costs, how coveted it might be or if it is a rare one-of-a-kind.  It is more about what you want to share with that person.  Your gift can stand out in ways you never imagined when you give the gift of sharing.

It has been said many times how technology has disconnected us in many ways.  Yes, it is a blessing for efficiency, but its flash speed communication ability has relegated the written and spoken word to a back seat.  Of all the gift-giving opportunities during the year, Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to change that.

So here is our Valentine’s Day gift to you to help clear those glazed-over eyes and make your loved one smile.  Consider these easy ideas – all of them can be personalized in some way, but don’t necessarily have to be:

Valentine Group pics

  •  A beautiful lidded box to be a repository for tiny notes added (at least  weekly, if not more often) that are about hopes, dreams, memories,  words of love to share with your loved one.  Save them to read next year  on Valentine’s Day or make a commitment to each other to read one or  two on the other special occasions during the year or even during a  difficult time.  It is something to look forward to and, more importantly,  gives you intimate insight into what your loved one treasures.


  •  A duo of bookmarks – “He is here,” “She is here.” “My place,” or “Your  place,” etc.  Yes, read the SAME book and share your thoughts.  However,  if you are a speed reader, don’t ruin the story for the other person!


  •  A giant throw big enough for two that will guarantee you will snuggle in  front of the fireplace or a great movie.


  •  A tray for Sunday breakfast in bed with the crossword- done together!   No competition, please.  This is a joint effort.


  •  A duo of mugs with a  special message for sharing your favorite cuppa in  the morning.  Include  a goofy card:  “I like coffee, you like tea – so kiss  me, love, – and share with me.”


  •  A pair of hand gardening tools to plant a favorite plant together to  nurture and to watch it grow, just like love does.


  •  A pair of martini glasses (and no, you don’t have to be a drinker for this).  Hers might be filled with chocolate mousse and his with dip, but it is  about enjoying your favorite treat – TOGETHER.


  •  Engrave a special message on the inside of a wallet or compact that will  speak to your special person every single day and reinforce how much  you care about them.


  •  Puzzinoes™ – our own product for two games in one.  Use your own  personal artwork on the front of the double-six set of dominoes for a fun  puzzle, with the photo also printed on the back of the box should you get  stumped.  Great memories and definitely something to share while you  also reminisce.


       Don’t stress about Valentine’s Day – make it personal and
      something to share, and you will be a star for sure. 
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